Software and Patents
31. Gentile G., Meschini L., Attanasi A. (2020) Computer System and Methods for State Prediction of a Traffic System. U.S. Patent n. 10636294, 28.04.2020
30. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2019) OPTIMA Public Transport. Extension of OPTIMA to public transport systems; it allows to compute in real time the Estimated Time of Arrival of transit vehicles at stops, taking also into account road traffic conditions and events
29. Gentile G., Meschini L., Attanasi A. (2016) OPTIMA Data Driven. Library of methods to determine travel demand (Origin Destination matrices), network performances (speed profiles) and route choices (splitting rates) based on Floating Car Data coming from large fleets of vehicles; it allows to automatize the creation of transport models for the simulation of traffic
28. Gentile G., Meschini L., Attanasi A. (2015) OPTIMA Data Analytics. Extension of OPTIMA for the automatic installation of a light traffic control room (only statistical forecast) exploiting standard data sources (e.g. street maps OpenStreetMap/NavTeq, FCD Inrix/TomTom)
27. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2015) OPTIMA Traffic Portal. Web mobility dashboard to evaluate and present, also on maps, indicators for monitoring the pattern and the impact of urban transport, based on traffic and emission data with different spatial and temporal aggregations
26. Gentile G., Meschini L., Tiddi D. (2014) Automatic Traffic Zones. Automatic design of traffic zones based on the socioeconomic features of elementary cells (e.g. census), for transport simulation models; available also as a VISUM Add-In
25. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2013) TDW – Traffic Data Warehouse. Acquisition, correction, conservation, aggregation and analysis of traffic measurements coming from a multitude of measurement sections (e.g. vehicle counts), to manage large quantity of data
24. Gentile G., Meschini L., Tiddi D. (2012) TRE – Traffic Realtime Equilibrium. Dynamic assignment (based on splitting rates, temporal layers and gradient projection) where path choices and demand loading depend on the travel times obtained through a macroscopic simulation model of the road network; IP rights registered at SIAE 8762 - 19.03.2013
23. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2012) TDE – Transportation Data Exchange. Library to import and export a network model (including road infrastructures, transit services, travel demand and traffic data) from/to different sources (such as databases and text files); comprises a desktop viewer
22. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2012) VMS – Virtual Message Sign. Optimal association of traffic events to road electronic panels and in-vehicle devices, for user information
21. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2012) SLTN – Sensors Location on Traffic Network. Optimal positioning of traffic detectors on a road network to maximize the monitored demand
20. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2012) Vehicle Tracker. Tracking of vehicles based on map matching algorithms for fleet management and Floating Car Data aggregation; it also allows to transform probe trajectories into real-time traffic states
19. Gentile G. (2011) LUCE – Local User Cost Equilibrium. Bush-based algorithm for deterministic static assignment with fast convergence and multiple path loading at once; implemented also in VISUM (PTV) and in MUE; IP rights registered at SIAE 8214 - 14.11.2011
18. Gentile G., Meschini L., Petrocelli C. (2011) Mobility Manager. To develop the plan for the improvement of the home-based trips of employees working for medium to large companies; built on web questionnaires, it allows to simulate policies of sustainable mobility by means of modal split models; IP rights registered at SIAE 8213 - 14.11.2011
17. Gentile G., Meschini L., Tiddi D. (2011) TOSCA – Timing Optimization under Spillback Congestion along Arterials. Traffic signal setting and synchronization of road corridors, to optimize also in presence of queues the cycle, the offsets and the greens along a sequence of intersections; IP rights registered at SIAE 8212 - 14.11.2011
16. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2011) OPTIMA – Optimal Predictions for Traffic Information and Management Actions. ITS platform for traffic monitoring and forecast through transport simulation and statistical analysis; it includes advanced interfaces for the acquisition, validation, harmonization and broadcasting of traffic data, as well as events and scenario management; IP rights registered at SIAE 8211 - 14.11.2011
15. Gentile G., Meschini L., Doninelli T. (2011) Traffic Supervisor. Web based interface for the operator of OPTIMA; it allows to view on a map flow diagrams with the level of services, analyze the temporal profiles of traffic variables, insert events, launch on-line simulations, manage scenarios; IP rights registered at SIAE 8210 - 14.11.2011
14. Gentile G., Meschini L., Ricci C. (2011) EMA – Enterprise Manager Application. Light tool for business Planning and Control; it allows to manage the main data of the company administration: accounting, budgeting, contacts, salaries, taxes, orders, invoices, cash flow; IP rights registered at SIAE 8208 - 14.11.2011
13. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2011) HyperPath. Journey planner for transit networks and intermodal trips, providing optimal strategies for schedule-based and frequency-based services with real-time delays at stops; IP rights registered at SIAE 8209 - 14.11.2011
12. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2009) DSPS – Dynamic Shortest Path Search. Route planner for large road networks providing dynamic optimal paths based on speed profiles and real-time traffic forecasts, with personalized sensitivity to flexible link attributes; IP rights registered at SIAE 7077 - 17.02.2009
11. Gentile G. (2009) GLTM – General Link Transmission Model. Algorithm for the dynamic network loading of travel demand on road networks based on a macroscopic model implementing the kinematic wave theory; the flow propagation engine (SDNL – Sequential Dynamic Network Loading) can operate in rolling horizon providing real-time estimation and forecast of traffic volumes and speeds; IP rights registered at SIAE 7076 - 17.02.2009
10. Gentile G., Meschini L., Doninelli T. (2009) UrbIS. URBan Information System for e-government and e-democracy based on WEB-GIS technology, it allows to report and monitor problems such as: road and urban maintenance, safety of traffic and environment, control of parking and legality; IP rights registered at SIAE 7279 - 22.07.2009
9. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2009) D-NAV. Dynamic satellite navigator with client-server logic for mobile phone devices, based on a cooperative approach where users are also probe vehicles that can contribute to supply OPTIMA; IP rights registered at SIAE 7975 - 17.02.2009
8. Gentile G., Meschini L., Lunardon D. (2009) TMB – Transportation Model Builder. Automatic construction of traffic simulations models, based on road graphs, zoning and origin-destination matrices, starting from standardized data sources; IP rights registered at SIAE 7074 - 17.02.2009
7. Gentile G., Papola A., Marzano V. (2008) FreDem. Input-Output macroeconomic model to determine freight transport demand at regional scale including mode choice
6. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2006) DUE – Dynamic User Equilibrium. Dynamic traffic assignments to large road networks, for the within-day simulation of vehicle queue and spillback congestion; implemented also in VISUM (PTV); IP rights registered at SIAE 3783 - 18.04.2006
5. Gentile G. (2006) MUE – Multimodal User Equilibrium. Multiclass static assignment to road and transit networks with elastic demand; it includes a module for the computation of externalities (accidents, consumptions and emissions) and a module for the estimation of origin-destination matrices based on traffic and passenger counts; implemented also in the SIMPT (DSS of the Italian Ministry of Transport); IP rights registered at SIAE 3782 - 18.04.2006
4. Gentile G., Meschini L., Vigo D. (2006) CityGoods. Decision Support System for the evaluation of policies on the urban freight distribution, based on a specific demand model
3. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2005) DARS – Dial A Ride Solution. Solves pick-up and delivery problems in dynamic contexts, to design and manage services of: city-logistic distribution, demand-responsive transit (dial-a-ride), and car-pooling, by optimizing routing and scheduling of a vehicle fleet
2. Gentile G., Meschini L. (2005) DynTransit. Dynamic assignment on transit networks with scheduled-based and frequency-based lines, capable to simulate capacity constraints and congestion phenomena on-board and at stops
1. Gentile G. (2004) GLogit. Estimation of Logit models through surveys with revealed and stated preferences