Transport Modeling and Planning

Sapienza Università di Roma

Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Edile e Ambientale


Transport Modeling and Planning

(ECTS 12 credits)

professor: Guido Gentile      email:

assistant: Lory Bresciani               email:

Objectives of the course

To provide a methodological background for the simulation and the design of transport systems, aimed at the evaluation of interventions on the infrastructure and service network, as well as at the application of polices for the mobility of people and goods. The subjects will be developed through phenomena analyses, model definitions, and algorithm applications to elementary cases. A synthesis of the arguments presented in the course is listed below:


Oral exam of about 30 min. 3 questions on different subjects listed in the program. The exam is passed if the student answers at least 2 questions satisfactorily. This implies the ability of presenting in a clear way, not only a general view about the requested subject, but also a sufficient level of detail in the formalization of models.


Right after classes, or by email appointment.


Ennio Cascetta (2009) Transportation Systems Analysis Models and Applications. Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-75857-2, price: € 92.00 (eBook), € 115.00 (hardcover)

Slides and exercises are not meant to substitute the text book but rather to integrate it.

Lecture program

systematic analysis of mobility

introduction and scope

land-use and transport

structure of models for the simulation of mobility

zoning the study area

origin destination matrix and travel demand characteristics

transport supply

formulation of the supply model

representation of the road network through a graph

performance and cost functions

assignment with explicit path enumeration

gis and database for transport planning

random utility theory

discrete choice models

utility and attributes

multinomial logit

nested logit

cross nested logit


mixed logit

Monte Carlo simulation

demand modelling

trip frequency model

category index model

generation through regression

distribution and elementary destinations

gravity model

modal split

aggregation problem

time series

calibration and validation

regression and least squares

maximum likelihood

stated preferences

route choice and network loading

route choice models

network loading with implicit path enumeration

shortest path algorithm

all-or-nothing assignment

Monte Carlo network loading

Dial algorithm

equilibrium models and assignment algorithms

fixed-point formulations

method of successive averages

optimization problem formulations

variational inequalities

frank-wolfe algorithm

bush-based algorithms

multiclass, multimode and elastic demand equilibria

assignment software

mobility data and demand estimation

direct estimation and cordon surveys

travel survey and mobility management

provincialization model

matrix riproportioning and model pivoting

od matrix reconstruction based on traffic counts

data driven modelling

machine learning for demand forecast

freight transport

multi-regional input output

movement generation of pick-up and delivery

distribution models for urban freights

transit assignment

representation of the line network through a graph

frequency-based assignment

stop model

strategy-based assignment and hyperpaths

schedule-based assignment

departure-time choice

dynamic assignment

kinematic wave theory

link transmission model

dynamic shortest paths

dynamic network loading

dynamic equilibrium

realtime traffic management

design and interventions

planning objectives and their evaluation

system optimum and marginal pricing

network design algorithms

mobility management

Online meetings

please access with your uniroma1 account and disable micro and camera

Reading material

First steps with Visum

by Domingo Lunardon and Syed Hamza

Visum and Vissim - Student Version

... to be updated

At the link below you can find all the material to practice and take the first steps with the PTV Visum software for macroscopic simulation of transport systems.

The folder contains:

Each ”.ver files” represents one single step of tutorial document “01_Visum_Intro_EN_Day_1_V18.

The single PTV Visum files are NECESSARY because after 45 minutes the student version of the software must be RESTARTED and you cannot save the files. 

2021 Video Lessons

lessons 2021.xlsx